Had a really nice day. Been to the hairdressers and met a friend for coffee in town.
No work today so I also had another beach evening, this time it was not Three Cliffs Bay and not Langland but Three Peaks Bay instead. It's quite a bit of a walk from the car park but it's worth it. He he, loads of rabbits on the way and that's why I'm wearing a matching jumper :p Only £11 at Primark. Sweeeeet!
And Superman got a 2.1!!!!!!! U r extraordinary! Congratulations!
Whilst Superman got his surfboard ready I just couldn't resist a little go on the swings. I have loved swings ever since I can remember <3
And then the beach! Superman had his Surf of course....
whilst I was resting in the sand.....
reading the paper and listening to Alejandro with Lady Gaga ♫hot like Mexico, rejoice!♪♪