Summer is over and before lol Blossom and Buttercup ;) goes back to uni we decided to take a short girlie autumn-break in Bath. But like any other superhero we had to bump into some kind of trouble. As we sat on the really early train towards our destiny we were alone in our coach accept from a crazy and smelly tramp.
...but that was not really the case but we took care of it in our own way. It went sort of like this:
The tramp has passed our seats after another abusive threat leaving me paralysed with fear and also incapable to breath from his toxic body odour.
Then as a fair less superhero she is Blossom brings out a can from her bag, shakes it and spray our area till we are covered in mist. Her actions put me and Buttercup in complete silence for a few seconds till we realise that the horrible smell has evaporated and instead we sit there breathing in a fragrance of flowers and fresh fruit. I really do understand all the boys who find women's bags a mystery. It really proofs the fact that we do carry around a lot of small survival items which can save us from absolutely anything. Me to Blossom: 'Do you really carry air freshener around in your bag?'. Blossom to me: 'No it is not air freshener it is spray deodorant!'. That is really genius!!! It really helps. So now anyone who haven't got hold of pepper spray yet, keep a box of spray deodorant close. It really works on smelly tramps who can't seem to leave you alone. Go Tramp Spray!!!! :) Use it as you do mean it!!!!
The Historic Roman Bath Museum!
It is really nice in the Roman bath. We got the chance to imagine how the people back then had the possibility to enjoy some luxurious time bathing in this warm steamy water coming from underneath the ground. The water were suppose to bring better health and vitality to the people who swam in it.
Poor little bird to the left didn't seem to be pleased at all with his bath :(
The roman people suggested that drinking 2 litres of this warm water every morning could cure illness. We were allowed to drink one glass each after our tour. Lol, it was not nice. Felt like we drank body temperated blood. Not our cup of tea but we drank it and hopefully we will keep healthy maybe even immortal :p Only time will show!
Nice old style sweetshop in Bath. They had all sort of fudge in there. Blossom bought fudge with chili and yes it was a kick to that sweet little peace. I had strawberry dipped in chocolate and that was for sure the best sweet in my lifetime <3
And notice the lion on the top of the photo to the left. There were loads of those lions everywhere in the city centre all different colours and symbols. Miiiaaaaoooo!
Little break in one of Bath's small Tea Houses. Such a sweet place...we thought :P Again the Powerpuffgirls had to face yet another tricky challenge. Here the story goes:
We ordered tea, coffee and also I got to try the Bath Bun for the first time (which was delicious) and everything seemed to be going smoothly in that sweet retro lovely little place....until the tea arrived. Suddenly Buttercup and Blossom were whispering about something suspicious on one of our saucers. On the side of the mango tea we had ordered there were two pink pills. What was that all about?!!? Buttercup suggested that maybe it was the mango capsules for the tea but asked the waitress because we had never had such things before. The waitress looked clueless when she saw the pills. She had no idea where those came from and looked at them like they were some sort of ailiens before she grabbed the saucer and ran back to the kitchen with it. Hmmm...pink pills sort of see through?! Ever heard of? Any reason to be paranoid? Nobody in there looked any dodgey just old people and little grand children. Well, it could be vitamin pills but we've hard viagra for women come in sort of pink capsules. We still have no idea but being spiked on viagra in a little tea house in Bath what's the odds??! Drug or not the most important thing, we survived! 10 points!! Nice tea house though, definitely a nice choice for a break after all.
Interesting to see the change of fashion through history. We even had a peak at Princess Diana's dresses. We walked around dreaming of the old days, romantic balls and dressing up in pompous dresses where lace and velvet was the common fabric and hats and glows were a must.
Lol and Blossom found her true decade as well. In the old times women seemed to be really small. At the children's section you were actually aloud to try on the stuff that goes under the skirt of the dress and the corset. As you can see Blossom is just the size and she fitted perfectly in it. Bring out the horses baby!!!
Amazing dresses! We also want to wear those for a night :) And the hats were nice, too bad half of my scalp seemed to have faded underneath it :p
FOOD!!!! yummy!
Sweet Blossom with her soup for starter and next to the left my amazing fishcake with some sort of chili and ginger sauce. I love spicy!
The Jane Austen Centre.
Was good to learn about this amazing author who wrote so many classics. I am a fan of her filmatized stories but I am considering to start reading her books as well.
Underneath, beautiful Buttercup and Blossom outside the Circus <3
The river on the photos above and underneath is Avon. It looked so romantic sourounded by flowers, trees and green parks. It was our last day in Bath and I finally got to kiss Aslan :) Taking a closer look it looks more like the good version of Scar from the Lion King :P
Our two days in Bath was really good. Too bad I didn't take photos from the amazing Spa we went to. We actually had a really nice bath in Bath. Was really hard to get us out of the steaming area. With all the steam and the glass I could give a true impression of the Titanic scene in the car with Jake and Rose (you know what I mean). Should also had photos of our B&B called the Limp Post. The beds were really nice. Better than my own. Thanks girls for making the trip so nice, couldn't have done it without you!!!!