March 03, 2013

Baby's 1st days

Now baby is 2 and a half weeks old and he has already grown a lot since he was born. We enjoy every second with him and he has become a strong little man and can hold his head up for a long time. 

 All his layers of clothes when we took him home from the hospital. February can be a really cold month up here so he needs to get wrapped up properly :)

Little Lord and his lovely nan having their daily cwtch :)

In hospital before baby's first check up by the child doctor. He had his first blood test taken from his heel and he was asleep during the whole session, brave little man ;)

Snug as a bug in a rug sleeping in between mum and dad in the night.

 Visiting great grandmother.

Magic moments with dad.

 It's amazing to wake up every morning and look at my little son knowing that I got to spend all my time with him. He is my everything <3 p="">

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