June 17, 2010

Sooore feet :(

Aiiii!!! Pain, pain pain! Been running around in work for 9 hours with a pair of shoes with almost no soles. Not the best idea! Was suppose to bike home from work tonight but had a lift with a colleague. I don't mind biking at all but could hardly stand up straight in end of the shift lol.

Decided to give myself a little treatment. Haha poor legs have to keep up with me in the summer gaining all cuts and bruises. Think I owe them ;)

And yeah! This one is meant for hand and nails but it works very nice for feet as well! It makes sense doesn't it.

Haha the saint and the sinner ;) guess which footwear is the saint ;) NO MORE FLAT SHOES IN WORK!

And now rest the legs and get to bed watching Chris Ryan's Strike Back. Lol don't think he will complain as much about sore feet as me ;P


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