March 03, 2012

Foy rhymes with Joy!

Road trip to an unknown destiny. We reached the territory of Cornwall and Mike said: 'Do you know where we are going?' 'Ehhmm no..'. 'Me neither...'

We got to this characteristic little town. If someone said we were in Greece I would actually believe it. Such a graceful sight.

The locals had named the town Foy because it rhymes with Joy. The real name of the town is slightly different and the pronunciation as well. I should take a photo of the signpost next time. I am not very good with the facts unless it is absolutely necessary. Aw hold on...Mike says its real name is Fowey. Well done!

We went for tea and coffee in a little cafe and visited a few of the charming little shops. I got in such a great mood being there on this bright day.
The houses were so well looked after and the atmosphere walking around in the small shops just made me want to decorate a house.

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